Trillium Awakening


At this time, Jim is now an Interning Teacher in the Trillium Awakening community. He is available for phone, FaceTime, Skype or Zoom calls or if you’re in the Philadelphia area or Southern New Jersey, he is available for one-on-one meetings.

1. Phone, Skype, Zoom, FaceTime or in-person session with Jim -  $50 / 30 minutes
- $90 / 60 minutes
2. Sittings / Satsang (2.5 hours) - Suggested donation of $20 / person
3. One-day workshop - $60 / person
4. Two-day workshop - $120 / person


In the 1993, we had a realization that the next evolutionary step for humanity would not be a change in the physical body, but would be one involving a change and expansion of consciousness. We have since experienced this evolutionary process and have been deeply changed by its profound nature. It wasn’t what we thought. Instead of searching for our infinite aspects of ourselves “out there” somewhere floating in consciousness, the process was an actual landing of our infinite selves within the physical body. This is quite different than the goal of the eastern meditation practices that views the body as a hindrance to conscious advancement.

Though many people are having this embodiment spontaneously, there are groups that can help foster and accelerate the rate at which this initial embodiment occurs. Waking Down in Mutuality (WDM) founded by Saniel Bonder is one such group. The creation of safe environments allows individuals to experience the totality of their human-ness in a conscious and accepting manner and, in the allowing, that which no longer serves moves through one’s Being in an organic and natural process. The philosophy of this approach is not about fixing what is wrong, but in allowing what wants to arise to be witnessed and experienced. The teachers association has recently split from Saniel and is continuing this work under the name Trillium Awakening

As CC Leigh, a senior teacher states:

The culmination of the initial phase of this process is a “falling into” yourself which is a quantum Shift from being exclusively identified with your finite human self to a profound, unshakeable knowing of yourself as unbounded Consciousness and finite matter. This Shift marks the unequivocal end of seeking and the beginning of a new life.

For further information about Trillium Awakening please explore the following sites:

Life Coaching


  1. Phone, Skype, Zoom, FaceTime or in-person session with Jim -  $50 / 30 minutes

    - $90 / 60 minutes

Who Is This For

There are times in our life when we feel drift and not sure how to take that next step. The world seems overwhelming and nobody seems to have our back when we most need it. We can easily get lost in our thoughts that tell us “We can’t.” “We’re not capable.” “We’re not smart enough.”

Part of the work that I do is to reframe how we look at that inner critic and look at what s/he is pointing way from within us. That is what we want to identify. Those beautiful qualities of ourselves that we’re protecting, that we’re trying to keep safe. Once we realize what actually is going on in our heads, we can make deep in-roads to working cooperative with our mind connecting it back to our heart. This is when the magic begins.

Coaching and mentoring additionally helps to empower you to focus on the priorities at hand and to provide you with the next steps in your journey. Because if we look at the whole road ahead of us, we’d probably not take that first step. But the more single steps we take in a clear and focused manner, the faster we can reach our goals.

Spiritual Mentoring


  1. Phone, Skype, Zoom, FaceTime or in-person session with Jim -  $50 / 30 minutes

    - $90 / 60 minutes

Who Is This For

In today’s fast-paced world there are times when we pause and wonder if there is anything more that the constant activity, the constant accumulating, the constant need to please ourselves and others. When we take the time to sit with this pause, this silence, we recognize that the longing we have inside is for a deeper connection with God, Goddess, the Divine, the Sacred, the Universe, Nature, whatever name you it. And we recognize that all the activity of our life covers over this longing and the pain it brings to our hearts.

This is our spiritual nature - to search for that connection that we lost as little children when we told we were supposed to grow up, to act like adults. But this yearning is always there and most of us don’t know how to go about finding someone who can help bring clarity on what we’re actually looking for. So we spend our lives seeking. This spiritual teaching, that spiritual teaching, but it never seems to get us there.

And it never will. The path you are looking for is your authentic connection not someone else’s As long as you try to imitate someone else’s path you will always be disappointed and always searching.

Let me help you find your path, your authentic self.